Sunday, April 23, 2017

Dinner and No Movie

Betsy and I were eager to see the new Italian film, "La Stoffa dei Sogni," at the 2017 DC Film Fest. We got our tickets and met for dinner at P.F. Chiang's before the show. 


My delicious salad

We then went to the theater. We waited in line for quite a while, well past the movie start time. Then we were let inside the theater and waited some more. Finally, we were sent away because the film was just not working. Disappointed!

But I had a huge stroke of luck! My Norwegian friend Liliane was a Filmfest volunteer and was responsible for the director of the film! I won't give you all of the details but he wanted to meet me so I met him at his hotel the next day for coffee. Very exciting!

Gianfranco and Chris

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