Wednesday, November 14, 2018

From DVD to Silver Screen

Tim, John, and I traveled into DC to see the premiere showing of Gavagai at the lovely Avalon Theater on Connecticut Avenue (very close to the border with Maryland).

It took us forever to get across Memorial Bridge because of the construction and lane closures.

We had dinner close to the cinema at The Avenue. I had a very delicious sandwich with mozzarella and avocado and lettuce.

Christine, Tim, and John (photo taken previously)

For me it was an amazing experience to see Gavagai on the silver screen after having seen it 12 times on my TV set!

Everything about the film was more intense - the sounds, the colors, the music, the movement of nature (e.g, the wind through the grass), and the expressions of the actors.

Several things surprised me. What perhaps surprised me the most was the role of the two men. I had felt before that the Austrian was definitely more prominent than the Sami guide. But, watching it this last time, they seemed to be more equal. The guide seemed somehow bigger and more important than he had before. 

It was a wonderful evening - a special film and very good company.

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