Lunch at Firefly near Dupont Circle
June 1, 2010

Denny's Birthday at Founding Farmers on Penn
December 2009

Aroma Indian Restaurant on Eye Street NW

Thai Restaurant in Arlington

Boating on the Bay

Dinner at Paparazzi's in Georgetown
Denny was one of my dearest friends. We met at Washburn High School in Minneapolis more than a half a century ago and were close friends from then on. He died last week and he will be missed by his family and many, many friends. We have many memories. These photos are reminders of the happy times spent together.

At a class reunion in Minneapolis

Picnic in the Bleachers at WHS

At Kirky's Reunion Brunch
Denny's Final Resting Place is the Maryland Veterans Cemetery.

Entrance to Cemetery

Looking Outside from the Cemetery Chapel
Symbols of the Branches of the Armed Forces

The Army Bugler Ready to Play Taps for Denny
Farewell, Dear Friend! You will not be forgotten.