Sunday, September 30, 2018

Exceptional Performance

I wanted to include more music in my life and my friend Barbara has made this possible.

I already knew about the monthly Saturday concerts at Kirkwood Presbyterian church in Springfield and attend them as often as possible. Barbara then told me about the monthly Sunday concerts at St. Patrick's Episcopal church, just a short 15-minute drive from my house.

On Sunday my friends Indra and Janet heard the incredible pianist Marianna Prjevalskaya play Debussy's Preludes Book 1 (including Danseuses de Delphes, Les collines d'Anacapri, and Ce qu'a vu le vent d'ouest) and Preludes Book 2 (including Brouillards, Feuilles mortes, and Feux d'artifice). She played with great passion and without sheet music!

 Indra and Janet

I had read up on Debussy beforehand and learned that he was responsible for causing the great break with the German and Austrian tradition at the beginning of the 20th Century. One remarkable feature of his music is the lack of a definite melody, of a musical progression. His pieces are more vertical than horizontal. At times I felt the sounds were not piano sounds but those of other instruments.

I cannot say that I like his music but I find it very interesting and fun to listen to, especially when played by an outstanding musician.

I must add that the refreshments after the performance were extraordinarily delicious, especially the mignon cream puffs and the brownies that somehow tasted like root beer.

Janet expertly used my phone to take a selfie!

                      Indra, Christine, and Janet

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