Saturday, September 23, 2017

Meeting in Italian

The Amici Italiani di Fairfax met at my home. Si parlava solo Italiano, naturalmente!

We had a nice time. The meeting began with an interesting slide presentation by Caterina of her recent trip to four European countries, Italy, France, Spain, and Switzerland.

I then gave the assembled members an Italian cultural quiz. The first place team was made up of Claudio, Adriana, and Betsy. The second place team consisted of Carlo, Alessandro, and Caterina.


 Four cheeses representing the four countries Caterina had visited. The lovely little flags were  created by Arthur! (French goat cheese, Gruyere from Switzerland, Provolone Piccante from Italy, and Montego from Spain)

 Alessandro (aka Alex) speaking Italian like a native!

Betsy and Carlo, the Meet-Up Founders and Coordinators 

Claudio (an authentic Italian) and Adriana (not an Italian yet) 

Caterina, Our Presenter

[No photos of the hostess? Meglio cosi'!]

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